- Map of Indonesia
(http://www.aph.gov.au/library/Pubs/rp/1998-99/99rp23.jpg, 28 October 2008)
Indonesia is strategic country and rich of agriculture (pepper, cloves and et cetera), that makes so many European countries interesting and the first European arrived in Indonesia in1512 and in 1602 British and Dutch come to Indonesia and colonize Indonesia for long time (Dutch colonize Indonesia for three and half century). Before Japan also colonize Indonesia for three and half year but finally Indonesia get independence on 17th August 1945 after struggle with colonial. Since that Independence day, capital of Indonesia is Jakarta last time named Batavia and Indonesia currency is Rupiah (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indonesia, 28th October 2008).
- Indonesia currency
(http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/data?pid=avimage&iid=iCjsHnRNn06k, 28th October 2008)
- Indonesia flag
(http://www.essex.ac.uk/armedcon/images/country/headings/flags/indonesia_flag_large.bmp, 28th October 2008)
A lot of things that very interesting in Indonesia beside history and geography Indonesia such as tradition, demograpichs, ecology and et cetera. Well, what is your opinion about Indonesia? and wait for my next articales I would like to share how beautiful is Indonesia actually..